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PROJECT 04 - Possible climate change solutions

The second article tells me about possible solutions to avoid the worst. They first talk about cutting emissions to reach “net zero.” As stated, “To achieve net zero emissions, we need a massive transformation in how we produce and consume electricity. We need a newer, better transportation system. We need to stop deforestation. We need a climate-friendly agricultural system.” It’s always best to prepare for the worst (in case it happens) and adapting. The unknown author says, “Cutting carbon is the only long-term solution for avoiding climate impacts. In the short-term, we need to adapt. That means everything from discouraging development in high-risk areas, to planning for water scarcity, to building more resilient cities and communities. Investments should be scientifically sound and socially just, and focused where the impacts are greatest—often in low-income communities and communities of color.” It’s great that they are including other sources to adapt other than the weather or relying on data. The article ends with them putting emphasis on “act” and how it is important for everyone to do their part to make the Earth a healthy place to live in. 

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